Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Our 2015 Year in Review

2015 was a great year for Tyler and I that was full of fun as well as challenges. Below is a re-cap of all that happened this year...

I am continuing to enjoy my job and am loving all the challenges and growth it presents - For those that don't know, I am the Production Manager at Boli, LLC and do some Human Resources there as well. Our company moved to a bigger facility and is continuing to grow! I have been truly blessed with my job. I have enjoyed spending lots of time crafting this year and developing some new talents, and I also became a new aunt! How I love my little Leo. :)

Tyler took the GRE this summer and has worked hard to finish his schooling strong this year. He applied to physical therapy programs (11 schools in all across the country) in August. We should be hearing back in the next couple of months from schools. He will start his last semester in January and will graduate with his bachelor's degree in exercise science in April 2016! Wahoo! If he doesn't get in to PT programs this year, we will try again next summer and will hopefully have better chances with an improved GPA.

We are still living in Orem, UT and love it. We went on some fun trips to Oregon, Idaho, and Kansas to spend time with family and saw lots of new territory!! We also celebrated 3 years of marriage in November and I turned 24 and Tyler turned 25 - a quarter of a century!

The past few weeks have been rough for Tyler... he jokes that now that he turned 25 his body is breaking down on him. haha but in all seriousness, Tyler was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a few weeks ago. Tyler's twin has Type 1 (he was diagnosed at age 12) and I've always wondered why Tyler didn't have it since they are identical twins... well now I know! Tyler's just took a lot longer to set in. His is called Type 1 late-onset. It is rare, but there are cases when Type 1 appears in adults. It has been a struggle and challenge for us to learn how to manage the insulin and change our diet and life-style. Tyler's doctors were actually really impressed with how well he's been able to manage and control his blood glucose levels in such a short amount of time and we know it will get easier over time. Tyler also had to have surgery on some varicose veins that were causing problems but he is doing well and we hope he will have an easy and quick recovery.

Throughout the year, we have been grateful for all the Lord has blessed us with - family, friends, school, work, and especially modern medicine. I know that the Lord has a plan for each and every one of us and is there for us in all moments of our lives. We can't believe another year has come and gone, but are looking forward to what next year will bring!

Family Celebrations Sign Craft

This year for Christmas, I made my Mom and Mother-In-Law a family celebrations sign that has all the birthdays and anniversaries of their children and grandchildren. I saw the idea on Pinterest and really wanted to try making it. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun and I loved how they turned out! There are extra pieces for them to add to the sign through the years as more children get married and more grandchildren are born. :) I'm definitely going to have to make one of these for myself one day.

Christmas Cookies

One of my all-time favorite family traditions is baking and decorating sugar cookies. I have such fun memories of this from my childhood and this is something I've tried to continue into my adult years. My mom has an amazing sugar cookie recipe I absolutely love (the dough tastes fabulous as well!). The cookies come out thick and fluffy every time. :)

This year I got together with all my siblings to bake and decorate sugar cookies. Even my adorable nephew, Leo, got to join in the fun! I sure love the Christmas season and the memories that are made.

Leo enjoyed eating his sugar cookie!