1 - time to change from our comfortable life of two to a new family of three (almost...)
This pregnancy that seemed so slow at first is coming to a close way too quickly. I have just under 7 weeks left until my due date and part of me can hardly wait to get this baby out of me so I can breathe and see how adorable he is, and the other part is screaming to keep him in there because it's much easier with him inside than out! :) I'm both terrified and thrilled to become a mother and Tyler and I can hardly wait to meet our little Deklen.
2 - time for work and time for play
Both Tyler and I have kept busy with full time jobs, but we've been trying hard to make time for fun and hobbies and family before our little one comes and our lives change forever. Tyler has been enjoying playing basketball with our ward and youth (he's in young men's) and was asked by local parents to coach a youth rec soccer team again this spring (he coached for them last fall and they made it to the championship!) he has been busy traveling for Physical Therapy interviews the last few months and whether or not he enjoys it enough to call it play (it's probably the opposite) he has been to some new places! I've been enjoying being lazy, reading, volunteering, and nesting. Haha :) I also got to do some wedding flowers for my sister's in-laws and that was so fun! I miss my florist days... Flowers make me so happy!
We are trying to get some family trips in this summer before we move far away... Which leads to point 3.
3 - time to leave our comfortable, safe life in Utah and make a move
We are thrilled that Tyler has been accepted to one PT school so far in Massachusetts. We are waiting to hear back from about 4 more schools he's interviewed at before we make a final decision as to where we will end up (CA, WV, CT, PA to name a few places) but it will most likely not be Utah. I am terrified to move away from family and work and everything we know to a new place, but we are also excited for a new adventure. :) so we are trying to make every moment count here before its time to uproot in August. I know I've mentioned this before, but I hate change. However, I've come to realize and know that change is part of life and is what you make it. The Lord has a plan for us and will guide and strengthen us along the way. :) thank heavens for modern technology that allows such easy communication.
We feel so blessed by the Lord, and even though we still seem to have plenty of rainy days, the Lord is good to give us beautiful, sunny days to remind us what this life is all about - take TIME to smell the roses and make this world a better place.