Monday, November 4, 2013

Catching Up

So apparently I'm really bad at keeping up with writing on this blog just like I am with writing in a journal - go figure. First, let me update you on how the Raspberry Ketone Challenge went! Natalie - didn't last two days on a diet. :) Good thing I didn't really need to lose weight. Tyler - ended up losing 12 pounds by the end of the challenge and is still going strong! He's much more dedicated than me, but he's the one who needed it. :)

I am currently in my LAST semester of school EVER. It makes me so happy to be almost done but I'm realizing just how hard it is to care about finishing strong. Example: my quiz score in class today was 6/15... good thing the teacher drops the lowest quiz score. I'm still working as a Human Resource Manager with a company in Orem and am loving it more than ever (I have a British boss - how epic is that??!). I'm super excited to begin working full time come January and to making more than an hourly wage.

Tyler is hating school more than ever and can hardly wait to be DONE with his chemistry classes. Between that and Trig, he's struggling to find happiness in obtaining an education. I keep telling him to stick with it and promise that it will get easier once he gets through all the dumb classes that just try to weed out those that can't handle the pressure of feeling like a failure. He's still volunteering at the Physical Therapy office and is hoping to be on the "on-call" list soon - that will get him one step closer to getting a job there! He's also been super busy with intramural sports this semester. I feel like a mom with tons of kids running them to everything they have going on and I don't even have kids yet! It's been fun to watch him play volleyball, flag football, and soccer. I've always secretly wanted to be one of those wives that are always dressed adorably that sit on the sideline and courageously cheer on their husbands. :) We also got to attend a BYU football game a few weeks back and it was Tyler's first college football game! He loved it!

That's the update on our lives so far. I am SOOOO excited for the holidays and have been listening to Christmas music since October 1st. I know, I know, I'm crazy. But Christmas music just makes me so happy! Who doesn't want that lovely spirit in their homes?! All I can say is thank Heavens for Pandora which allows me to listen to TONS of different Christmas music. :)



1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, cute blog!! But you're a horrible influence. I was trying so hard to stave off my Christmas-radio hunger by listening to Disney instead, but oops--just turned my Pandora to Christmas. Ah well, what can ya do? Miss you! We must do a Christmas party!
