Saturday, February 16, 2019

Gospel Study Journal - A more personal approach

It's been a while since I've typed words on this blog, which seems to be a usual occurrence for me. I'm not sure why this happens - maybe it's because I don't feel the purpose behind what I type. However, I decided to write this post up and share it for someone who may find this as useful as I did.

Lately I've been feeling "nudges" to deepen my study and deepen my faith. My prayers have felt very one-sided and as I've yearned to understand why, I realized I was expecting God's conversation to be one way when it's entirely something else. God DOES speak to us, but it is through His prophets, His word, and His spirit and our hearts and minds need to be ready for Him. We need to put in an effort and show Him we are ready for an answer.

That being said, I've muddled my way through trying to figure out how to approach my spiritual seeking in a way that works for me. As I sought for guidance in this, I was inspired to type up this template and create a study journal for myself. I'm so excited to begin this journal and deepen my faith! Below is a link to my journal template for anyone who'd like to start this for themselves. Just click and print! I've hole-punched mine and put it in a three-ring binder. I'd love to hear if and how you'll use yours. Enjoy!



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